tutorial: Indigo and Gamboge

Painting in watercolour using Indigo and Gamboge

We are going to be painting a scene of a woodland bridge

I did an internet search for ‘woodland bridge’ and looked at the images online. I was looking for a bridge which has a dark under arch, with trees both through, above and in front of the bridge. I tried to choose an image with a small range of colour but with a great tonal range. Let’s all try to work from the same image.

What to bring with you;

Your medium:
Water colour paint. If you have indigo and gamboge paint bring it along. You can buy from Jacksons from a number of ranges: Winsor & Newton, Royal Talens, Old Holland, Holbein, Daler Rowney. If you don’t want to buy it I will provide some for you in half pans.

Your support:
Bring a piece of watercolour paper, preferably stretched. You might like to try some tinted watercolour paper for this exercise. I will supply some grey tinted in half and quarter imperial sizes. Try white or other tints if you like. Also bring along with you an A4 sheet (or two) of white cartridge paper for testing colour mixing.

Your other bits and pieces:
Bring your brushes, water pots, pencils, erasers, masking fluid, paper towels, sponges etc. Good if you bring round, flat and rigger brushes in a range of sizes.

Your positive attitude:
This is an exercise in tone. It does not matter if what you produce is not lifelike, it just has to be believable. Leave behind you all your negative vibes and inhibitions.

What you should learn:
That being lifelike and realistic is not always right.
How to bring out the lights and darks, how to find highlights and shadows.
How to create a range of greens using just two primaries.
How to read a scene from many different images and combine them into a piece of art.
How we as individuals see tones differently
How getting a darker tone is sometimes the application of more paint rather than reaching for a darker colour from your paint palette.

Background research:
Go on the internet and load up Google. Type in ‘woodland bridge’ and look at the images there are. Print a few off to use as tonal references and use them for reference only.

For this tutorial I charge at a rate or £30 an hour plus usual disbursements.

Click on this link to complete a booking form
I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have not heard within 3 working days please contact me by email at stephen.hillier@hillier.org.uk