Over time I will generate a number of projects or colle3ctions of photos under the same heading. These pages will extend over time so if you find them interesting keep coming back to have a look.
At the moment only one project is being undertaken under the title of Glass and a single project under the title of Decrepitude. Other will no doubt follow as things progress.
GLASS. This project originated when I joined a photographic group at the local community centre. When I enquired I expressly said that I was interested in black and while film and would the tutor be happy to help me with this. The reply was in the affirmative. The reality was not the same. Those sessions I attended I was very much left to my own devices with the tutor was helping other work in Photoshop and using their digital cameras. I don’t have a problem with this per se but having first ascertained that I would get assistance and then finding was I was not getting it was disappointing. Anyway one week I said to the tutor I wanted a project to do and he said with other groups he gave the class a key word such as Glass. That was it then and these images flow from that suggestion. At present this pages is unpopulated.
Link to this page here.
DECREPITUDE. When I go around I am always finding things that are not in the same condition as the builder of maker of these items left them when new. This page has a number of images that I deem has the ‘right amount of decrepitude’. Australia was a haven of items of decrepitude which at the present makes up the majority of the images here. I will find others to add here.
Link to this page here.