Pastel Painting

This page is a collection of images painted in pastel. Pictures shown here are not exclusively shown here as some may fit in with other themes in this website.

  • Begijnhof Bridge OrangeBridge at Beginhof, BrugesBridge at Begijnhof: To begin with two painting that also feature in the limited palette pages. The image on the left was painted using Unison pastels in the Orange Colour set. The one on the right was painted using Sennelier pastels, a range of colours specifically selected for this purpose. You can see a shift by shift explanation of how this image was painted by looking at this page.
  • Davies Creek, Queensland, Australia: On September 1st 2017 we travelled from Cairns to Atherton visiting Kuranda on the way. Travelling south from Kuranda I saw a gravel road to our left so I took it. It led us to Davies Creek. I blatted off a number of shots. One of these I used to do this pastel painting. This painting took about ten weeks in all to complete with each session being about 1.5 hours actual work, some weeks more productive than others. I have produced a number of session photographs of the work as it progressed which can be found here.